Past Life Regressions

Past life regression hypnosis can help you overcome

- Phobias & fears.
- Unexplained emotions & thoughts
- Karmic relationships
- Limiting ideas and beliefs
- Aches and pain from past trauma.

When you explore past lives you are connecting to your higher self, the part of you that lives forever, the part of you that lives in and out of the human body. 

It is a mystical experience that helps put into perspective the magnificence of your soul.

Past life regression hypnosis is done in the Theta brainwave. In Theta, you can bypass the conscious mind and explore your past lives.

This allows you to explore the experiences your soul has had in previous incarnations. 

By exploring your experiences in other lifetimes, we can heal trauma, negative beliefs and ideas, pain, and fears that can sometimes carries over from a past life into our current life. 

Past life regression is a great way to overcome obstacles and reach your goals.

If you would like to schedule your Past life regression hypnosis session, please contact me today!